Last night in Denver fan violence took another turn for the worse as three people were stabbed in the parking lot after the Broncos 27-20 loss to the San Diego Chargers. This altercation isn't the first this year, just a couple weeks ago a 28 year old woman was charged with murder in a shooting that followed the loss Alabama suffered in the Iron Bowl against Auburn. The victim's sister says the suspect shot her because she was mad at her for joking about the loss and didn't seem to be enough a Crimson Tide fan. Earlier this month and man died in an altercation in the Arrowhead Stadium parking lot during Kansas City's game against Denver.
Fan violence has been around for as long as anyone can remember, but for some reason in the past 4 years it has gotten worse to where police officer's are putting on opposing team jersey's and going undercover. Just this last Sunday a 49ers fan was arrested after trying to start a fight with an undercover cop in a Seahawks jersey. Look I understand the rivalry between teams but when people are getting into fights and dying OVER A GAME its just ridiculous.
Other nations have the same problem as American sports, especially in soccer. Soccer fans usually start fights that escalate into riots which then results in either numerous deaths/injuries.
I first experienced fan violence in 1997 when I took a trip to Oakland to see the Seahawks play the Oakland Raiders. Before Niner fans became the arrogant douche bags they are now Raider fans were the worst, just imagine that your 7 years old getting told "fuck you you little Seahawk bitch" and then after the game getting beer poured on you! The same thing happened to my cousin when my uncle took her to Philadelphia to watch the Pittsburgh Penguins take on the Flyers.
Fan violence seems to getting worse in both football and college football, its getting so bad that both associations will beef up security indefinitely. I know that I have repeated what I have said in this post but its hard to just describe the way fans act and present themselves when it comes to sports. I understand being a die-hard fan and that you don't like losing but that's no reason to take it out on the other teams fans and to cause serious injury and even death!
The violent events that sports has seen in the last 4 years is making the MLB, NFL, NBA, and MLS look bad. Seattle has its rivalries. The Seahawks have the 49ers, the Mariners have the A's, Yankees, and Angels, and the Sounders have the Timbers; all these rivalries (except for the Mariners) has nearly seen fan violence escalate to fan brawls. I blame the dramatic intake of alcohol at the sporting events for the violence that fans show. With fans drinking so much at games their thought process of knowing right and wrong begins to fly out the window.
I know I'm going to get bashed for this but for the fans safety every sport association should have security keep an extra eye on the intake that some fans have at games and also have fans of NFL teams take a breathalyzer test before the game and if that fan is over the legal limit then inform security, concession stands, and vendors to not sell that fan anymore alcohol.
Its because fans drink too much and act crazy that these violent events happen. Its tragic to see fans not having fun anymore and instead of being friendly after a tough loss or a great win they have to get into fights that in some cases like last night results in fans getting seriously hurt. To all fans who have experienced fan violence spread the word around to just have fun at the games. There's no need to get into fights with other fans, fighting just shows everyone that you have no class and that you are not a die hard fan you're just an asshole.
My prayers are going out to the victim's of last night's stabbing in Denver and I pray that fans learn to just have fun again and to be friends with other team fans.
I live and breathe Seattle teams and sports in general. I am about to go the University of Washington for a communications in radio broadcasting degree and right now i wanna show people i want to be apart of the Mariners, Seahawks, Sonics, and Sounders by writing and broadcasting their games.
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Im a huge Seattle sports nut. Thats basically about me. But im an upcoming blogger who writes only about the Mariners, Seahawks, Sounders, and when they come back the Sonics. Now if you would like me to write about something tweet me and i will write it. Now i should mark that im also Irish and have a beard that is feared above Brian Wilson's beard. His beard can kiss my beard's ass!
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